Saturday, February 4, 2012

That's Normal Here #1

Because I live in SE Asia, I have gotten used to many different things. Some are obvious changes, and some are subtle.

For example: I was sitting here listening to a good ole David Platt sermon and a large hornet (about the size of my finger) flew in my open front door. I barely glanced up and then went back to taking notes and listening to the sermon. I then glanced back up to marvel at it's size and realized that this would not be normal in America. I am now sharing my living room with a large hornet. I'm not keeping track of where it's flying or if it is getting close to me. I now know that there is a very slim chance of it getting near me and it's not worth it to try and get him out of the house. The door is staying open, so it will fly out sooner or later. No big deal... or at least it's no big deal in SE Asia. haha.

(he flew out of the house before I finished writing this blog)
As I sat down to right this blog, I was about to start writing out a long list of things that I am now use to because of my change of location, but instead I thought this would be a fun way to create a blog series. This is the first of many many to come, and I hope it brings y'all some idea of what it's like to live on this side of the world.

So here is to the first "That's Normal Here..." blog series.


  1. Can't wait to hear more!!! Love you girl!

  2. I'm looking forward to more, too. Love you!!!

  3. haha.. you should write about learning to coexist with lizards. that's something i had to learn. i have a huge one in my house right now! haha. love you, diva.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

That's Normal Here #1

Because I live in SE Asia, I have gotten used to many different things. Some are obvious changes, and some are subtle.

For example: I was sitting here listening to a good ole David Platt sermon and a large hornet (about the size of my finger) flew in my open front door. I barely glanced up and then went back to taking notes and listening to the sermon. I then glanced back up to marvel at it's size and realized that this would not be normal in America. I am now sharing my living room with a large hornet. I'm not keeping track of where it's flying or if it is getting close to me. I now know that there is a very slim chance of it getting near me and it's not worth it to try and get him out of the house. The door is staying open, so it will fly out sooner or later. No big deal... or at least it's no big deal in SE Asia. haha.

(he flew out of the house before I finished writing this blog)
As I sat down to right this blog, I was about to start writing out a long list of things that I am now use to because of my change of location, but instead I thought this would be a fun way to create a blog series. This is the first of many many to come, and I hope it brings y'all some idea of what it's like to live on this side of the world.

So here is to the first "That's Normal Here..." blog series.


  1. Can't wait to hear more!!! Love you girl!

  2. I'm looking forward to more, too. Love you!!!

  3. haha.. you should write about learning to coexist with lizards. that's something i had to learn. i have a huge one in my house right now! haha. love you, diva.
